
Reduce CO2 Emissions
Increase Earnings
Reduce Waste

Real-time Ore Grade Data

IMA solutions help mines reduce the waste going to the concentrators and avoid ore losses. Our sensors continuously monitor the material from drill rigs and conveyors. Smart ore sorting reduces waste rock dilution and enables economic mining even with low-grade ore.

More surface mining equipment becomes autonomous. IMA solutions are designed for autonomous drill rigs needing automatic sampling and real-time analysis.

Reduce mine waste

Avoid ore losses

mining processes


Reduce Carbon

Surface Mining

IMA’s technology enables 3D models of blast benches, which allows the mine to avoid waste rock dilution and ore losses. As metallurgists receive accurate geo-metallurgy assay data from IMA sensors they can optimize the recovery in the concentrator

Underground Mining

To optimize underground mining operations IMA brings in technologies for drill core scanning, drill cuttings sampling and online elemental analysis to reduce waste rock dilution and ore losses. IMA ScanMobile enables geologists to analyse more drill cores faster, Autosampler UG provides drill cuttings sampling underground, and Fast Conveyor Analyzer detects ore grades real time to make decision between ore and waste based on cut-off grade.

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